How to improve your Nokia Camera Pictures

Ever been frustrated with the way your multi-megapixel Nokia camera photos still not up to par even with a lower resolution photos taken by a digicam? Well, that's the way it is. A digicam is built for a dedicated quality photo technology. But you can do something about your photos taken by your Nokia mobile phones by digitally enhancing it. How to improve your Nokia Camera Pictures you may ask.

The simple trick is actually to download and use a PC application called Mobile Phone Enhancer. It is a handy and powerful free tool capable of fixing problems in Nokia mobile phone camera photos. It provides a quick and easy way to improve the quality of your images:

1. reduce artifacts and digital noise
2. correct poor contrast and color
3. fix the dark corners problem with its powerful filter.

Basically, It is capable of fixing;

* JPEG compression artifacts;
* Vignetting (darkening of the corners around the image);
* Poor color reproduction;
* Poor contrast;
* Poor sharpness
* Noise.

Mobile Phone Enhancer can convert an image with pronounced defects into a very usable photo.

Download Mobile Photo Enhancer